Vice President
Chair Professor
International Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering
IEEE Fellow
Wenjun (Kevin) Zeng has been a Chair Professor and the Vice President for Research of the Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo since Oct. 2021. Prior to that, he was a Sr. Principal Research Manager and a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) where he was leading the video analytics research powering the Microsoft Cognitive Services, Azure Media Analytics Services, Microsoft Office, Dynamics, and Windows Machine Learning. He was the Director of the Joint MSRA-XJTU Lab on Intelligent Information Processing, and a Professor at University of Missouri, University of Science and Technology of China, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, and Tianjin University.
He was with the Computer Science Dept. of Univ. of Missouri from 2003 to 2016, most recently as a Full Professor. Prior to that, he worked for PacketVideo Corp, San Diego, CA, Sharp Labs of America, Camas, WA, Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, and Panasonic Technology, Princeton, NJ. He has published more than 250 papers and two books (on multimedia security and social multimedia), with more than 18000 citations (per Google Scholar), and has contributed significantly to the development of international standards (ISO MPEG, JPEG2000, and Open Mobile Alliance). His research interests include artificial intelligence, computer vision, multimedia analysis, and multimedia communications & security. He received his B.E. degree in 1990, M.S. degree in 1993, and Ph.D. degree in 1997, all in Electrical Engineering, from Tsinghua Univ., the Univ. of Notre Dame, and Princeton Univ., respectively.
He is on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Computer Vision, was an Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Multimedia, and an Associate Editor for IEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on Info. Forensics & Security, and IEEE Trans. on Multimedia. He was a Steering Committee member for IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing and IEEE Tran. on Multimedia. He was the Steering Committee Chair for ICME (2010-2011), and has served as the General Chair or TPC Chair for several IEEE Conferences (e.g., ICME’2018, ICIP’2017). He is a Fellow of the IEEE.